Why Recalibrate your organization?

Every organization striving to realize a vision encounters the same challenge.  Your collective achievementwhat your organization actually accomplishesis usually much less than its total available potential.  

Organizational development engages you in processes designed to uncover and address the factors which may be undermining organizational achievement.  These factors often combine to create your organizational "culture" and, in the words of organizational development guru Edgar Schein, "Culture eats change for breakfast." This means if you don’t build and support the right culture, your organization’s ability to successfully deal with change and to progress is going to be severely hampered.

In order to succeed today, you need to build a culture that supports the organization’s ability to:

Recalibrate Your Culture

Recalibrate will challenge you and your organization to ask:

"Is the way we now do things around here the way that will get us where we need to go?"

If the answer is "no" then you need to check the efficacy of your current behaviours, mindsets, assumptions and values operating day-to-day. You may need to recalibrate your culture.     

Recalibrating your organization / culture can involve:

“In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of people to create value.” 
Gerstner, 2002