Executive Coaching for:

Consulting for:

"Leadership is like beauty: it’s hard to define, but you know it when you see it." 
– Warren Bennis

Coach Lisa Recommends:

Tribal Leadership

Tribal Leadership
Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright

Every organization is composed of tribes—naturally occurring groups of between 20 and 150 people. Until now, only a few leaders could identify and develop their tribes, and those rare individuals were rewarded with loyalty, productivity, and industry-changing innovation ...
Read more & buy ...

What our clients say

Recalibrate coaching clients say…

  • This whole coaching experience is the most valuable training experience I've had in years. It's funny, with most professional development, I tend to leave feeling like it was so generic and I rarely get engaged but, for some reason, I'm hooked this time. You are really helping me visualize bigger things for myself.  And you're a ton of fun to talk with!
    – Director, Environmental Assessment

  • Lisa is a terrific resource and very good at encouraging and bringing out the best performance in people. I know that she has successfully coached Deputy Minister candidates for their interviews, as well as helping out other senior executives in their preparation for critical, life-changing meetings or interviews. I was told, by a Deputy Minister I know, that retaining Lisa was the best money she ever spent.  
    – Management Consultant, Victoria
  • “I always feel heard to my core when I speak with you. I come away feeling refocused, energized, and challenged in a positive way. I have work to do on seeing, confidently defining, presenting and being my authentic self. Thanks to you, I'm up for the challenge!” 
     Manager, BC Public Service
  • “Lisa is an incredible person. I valued her listening and comprehension skills and ability to apply detailed and personal information to past, present and future scenarios. Her interest was genuine and supportive.  I valued that she challenged me as well as validated my thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Wow!”
    Senior Health Care Administrator, Victoria
  • “Lisa helped me uncover my core beliefs that were guiding my thought processes. What really blew me away is that she didn’t stop there, but gave me tools to challenge my beliefs and change my thinking. I use them every day and it has not only changed my attitude, but it seems to be contagious – my spouse and co-workers are catching on too.”  
    Manager, Vancouver Island Health Authority

  • “Lisa helped me do some thinking and work on what my perfect job would look like. As a result I found and landed my ideal position. I am very excited and feel like a different person! I don’t think I would be here today without her help and coaching. The coaching helped me focus on my needs and gave me the courage to move to a new opportunity.”
    Hospital Department Administrator, Victoria

  • “Lisa quickly grasped the key areas I needed to focus on for a very important interview. Her advice and professional 'reframing' of my personal key messages helped me establish a sound framework for me to present myself. Knowing I was being coached by Lisa was a great comfort to me. And, by the way, I got the job!"
     Account Executive, Victoria
  • "Through our coaching, you helped me do some thinking and work on what my perfect job would look like and I pursued those ideas. I have recently taken on a project position for 6 months that is much closer to my ideal position as it combines my project management skills with patient care. I am very excited and feel like a different person. I don't think I would be here today without your help and coaching. The coaching helped me focus on some of my needs and then gave me the courage to move to a new opportunity." 
     Senior Healthcare Administrator, Victoria

  • “Lisa has a unique ability to listen, synthesize and reflect back to you your most important priorities. Her greatest talent, though, is guiding you to the answers that exist within yourself. In a time of great transition, she helped me clarify my personal goals and create measurable action plans. As a result of working with Lisa, I am achieving my career and family goals. I believe that coaching is Lisa's passion, and she is one of the few business professionals who 'walk the talk' of integrity. As a result, I have recommended her to several colleagues and will continue to do so in the future.”
    University Administrator, Victoria
  • “Lisa was able to focus on my needs and uncover learning opportunities for me. She brings knowledge and enthusiasm plus an outside point of view to the discussion.”
    Director, Extended Care, Victoria
  • “Lisa was excellent. She was very open and flexible in setting up the coaching sessions. She was always prepared and I could tell she really did her homework around our sessions. She was very kind and understanding and a very good listener. At the same time, she challenged me and encouraged me. I always left our sessions feeling really good about myself and excited about meeting my challenges.”
    Health Care Manager, Vancouver Island

  • “I can’t thank you enough for your support and expertise in helping me clarify what my life is about. It was a great experience that has influenced my life and consequently will influence others!”
    Manager, Home and Community Services, Vancouver Island

Recalibrate facilitation/workshop clients say…

  • Lisa’s facilitation skills and ability to adapt seamlessly to the needs of the group are extraordinary. The quality of our business plan and other outcomes from this session are directly a result of her extraordinary contribution. Everyone was really impressed with her facilitation. I had a meeting with the staff today and they all raved about her. Thank you, Lisa, for keeping us engaged, stimulated and creative and, best of all, believing in ourselves. Thank you for your excellent service!” 
     Cabinet Operations, BC Public Service

  • “Yesterday's session was wonderful and, as you mentioned "packed” with ideas. You are so engaging and interesting and, if I were to be a facilitator, I would aspire to be like you!” 
     Workshop Participant, University of Victoria
  • I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for a really inspiring, insightful, informative workshop ... talking about connecting with a person's values ... what a wonderful fit (really hit the mark!). One of the best workshops—if not the best—I have ever attended ... very powerful.  
    Workshop Participant, University of Victoria
  • “Excellent course, the tools provided and leadership practices I’ve learned in this session will be invaluable in my development as a supervisor.”  
     Supervisor, BC Sheriff Service
  • “Strong, informative facilitator—one of the most prepared, confident and knowledgeable presenters I have had for some time.”
    – Supervisor, BC Sheriff Service 
  •  “Best content to date out of the five Senior Managers’ Meetings held so far. Allowed for lots of interaction with co-workers and lots of positive energy—facilitator kept everyone on track.”
     – Manager, Ministry of Environment
  • “It was extremely enjoyable. I learned a lot in 2.5 days and what I learned could have taken me months to learn otherwise. This meeting set the standard for the future. We need to repeat this same level of professionalism and excellence in workshop design.” 
     Manager, Ministry of Environment

  • Well organized and insightful. Lisa Mallett did a tremendous job as facilitator.
    – Manager, Ministry of Environment

  • Best training session ever—great pace, great people, great interaction. It was good team building—created a better understanding of each others’ roles. I learned a lot about others and myself, an excellent session. 
    – Manager, BC Ferry Corporation

  • I really enjoyed your session. Your enthusiasm was a big contributor to its success. I believe that morale and performance improvement are on the upswing. Your session was a definite contributor to our success. 
    – Nuclear power company Operations Manager
  • "The participants in the coaching component of one of our recent leadership programs valued Lisa's clear, precise presentation on coaching. She presented a practical, "cutting-edge" orientation to our group with a personal, energizing and professional approach. We have continued to have Lisa provide similar services within our organization; value added for sure!”
    – Faculty Member, Vancouver Island Health Authority, Centre for Excellence in Learning